ISES California
The California Chapter of the International Society of Exposure Science
ISES California hosted our 30th annual meeting (our first virtual meeting) September 21-22, 2020. Thank you to everyone who participated. Attendees, presenters, and organizers congratulations on completely your first ISES virtual meeting! Also, congratulations to our ISES2020 award winners! Keep an eye out for the meeting recap coming soon. ISES is pleased to report that we had over 500 meeting registrants and over 300 registrants for the record twelve pre-conference courses offered virtually this year. The meeting content will remain available through the virtual platform until September 21, 2021. There is still time to take in any sessions you were not able to attend during the live broadcast.
California hosted ISES Virtual Annual Meeting in 2020!
Posted October 1, 2020
ISES 2019: Lithuania
Posted September 15, 2018
The 29th Annual ISES Meeting will be held August 18-22 of 2019 in Kaunas, Lithuania. This will be a joint meeting with ISIAQ: “The built, natural, and social environments: impacts on exposures, health and well-being”. Symposium proposals will open November 1, 2018.
For more information, please visit
Reflections on our Inaugural Chapter Meeting (10/27)
Posted November 1, 2017
Thanks to the many of you who were able to attend the inaugural meeting of the ISES California Chapter. We had over 60 participants, with a strong showing from government and academia, as well as private-sector partners. Our keynote presenter, Arlene Blum, gave an engaging presentation on the work of the Green Science Policy Institute regarding the six classes of chemicals that are known to harm human health and the environment. The keynote was followed by a presentation on biomonitoring for flame retardants and other contaminants as part of Biomonitoring California. We then heard about the ongoing Alternatives Analysis conducted by the Safer Consumer Products Group at the California EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control (note that November 6th is their public workshop on lead-acid batteries and alternatives). We later heard about CalEnviroScreen 3.0, a tool from California EPA's OEHHA for help identify California communities that face a disproportionate burden of multiple sources of pollution. In addition, there were multiple presentations related to air, covering air quality sensors, air quality near highways, and community-lead air quality monitoring in Southern California.
Moving forwards from our meeting, we have a number of follow-up activities in the works-starting with a planning call November 3rd regarding the potential to host ISES 2010 in California as well as our first webinar December 14th at noon! And in the interim, there is an easy way to get to know your California exposure science colleagues better: join the ISES California Chapter LinkedIn group. By connecting your profile, others can connect with your regarding the current projects that you've listed on your profile.
If you would like to propose a future webinar or other Chapter activity, or if you have questions or comments, please contact
Member News and Annoucements
New Internship & Job Opportunities!
The CA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is seeking an exposure scientist to to analyze air pollution data, conduct exposure studies in the most impacted communities using biomonitoring, and evaluate how best to reduce exposures to air pollutants. Join the dynamic team of scientists working on biomonitoring and other exposure assessment activities in the Safer Alternatives Assessment and Biomonitoring Section (SAABS) of the Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch. This is a Senior Environmental Scientist position, and will be open until filled. For more information -and to apply!-visit: (Sacramento) or (Oakland).
Slides from our 10/19 Meeting
Thank you again to our speakers for great presentations!
Health Effects of Wildfire Toxic Air Emissions Jeff Wagner – Acting Chief, Outdoor Air Quality Section, Environmental Health Laboratory, California Department of Public Health
Air-Cleaning Systems for Reducing Exposures Indoors to Pollutant Emissions from Wildfires Rengie Chan – Deputy, Indoor Environment Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Decoding Exposure Assessment in the California Safer Consumer Products Regulations: Data, Evidence, and Modeling Qingyu Meng – Department of Toxic Substances Control, California Environmental Protection Agency